OT professional development

Top Entrepreneurship Tips for OT’s

To be read before, during, probably after, and at other times during the entrepreneurial journey! FOCUS When I say focus, be honest with yourself about how many projects/things you have going on right now. Without some sort of focus, ideally, a soft but boundaried focus that allows for changes and creativity, you won’t move forward.  Be honest with how much time you are spending on marketing/banding versus actually doing “the work”. SEED Do you want to grow something from seed,…

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Coaching Health Literacy- Coaching Occupational Literacy

This week I finally took a look at the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring. I try not to look too often as I get rather excited and distracted! I’m always interested in what makes coaching “work” and what hinders it, but also how occupational therapists can use coaching to strengthen their practice and ensure relevance. It’s with that lens that I read papers such as this: “Exploring Health Literacy and its Relationship to Health and Wellness Coaching”…

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Daily Structure And Small Activities

I am writing this from my bubble –  a bubble which is more middle class than I would like to admit, working from home, ticking along, just got a secondhand hot tub, kind of bubble (yep but please bear in mind that the hot tub only cost £200 and is powered by solar water and electric, as best we can). At this point in time, as a family, we can manage financially, emotionally is a different matter. Long terms goals…

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Helene Theriault

As a certified coach (PCC) and registered occupational therapist with 18-years of experience, Hélène provides coaching services to adults to empower them to reach their full potential. This service may include: a) one-on-one or group coaching session, b) workshops or courses to teach others how to apply a coach approach in their organization, c) or developing resources and tools to support incorporating a coaching culture in organizations. Hélène, the owner of Function First Coaching™, was inspired and motivated to create…

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Ageeth Hup

What were the times that you felt most happy? What were you doing? What prospect makes you get out of bed with energy and zest? What activities give you a feeling of purpose, connectedness or joy? What was your initial attraction to OT? We as OTs seem to be driven by a natural desire to help others, to maximise their participation, connectedness & purpose in life. We help people to recover, discover, develop and thrive. But what about ourselves…? Somehow,…

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Sid Hamid

Change in our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world has never been so intense and real until now, bringing it with disruption to every single norm in our lives. Rather than being unconsciously carried down the meandering river of this change, I am learning to accompany these natural movements and participate in them more consciously by continually answering these two  fundamental questions: “Who am I truly?” “What do I really want?” Using Professor Dr Franz Ruppert’s Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Theory and…

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What is it about goals…..?

As a fairly driven person and having been trained to always look at SMART goals as an OT and later learning of the centrality of goals to coaching, I’ve now come to later life with an increasing realisation that this is only half of the story. This realisation has been more like a creeping awareness that however much I set myself goals and make plans, I seem to rarely achieve them, instead succeeding in other unintentional ways. (I do appreciate…

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There’s more to coaching than solving, sorting and making plans

I know that many of you, if not most of you, are working as OTs in fairly understandable ways and the “barriers” to occupation you deal with maybe  1) physical or environmental, solved or improved with equipment, physical rehabilitation or care support 2) psychological/ cognitive/ sensory, which can be improved with a range of brilliant occupation focused interventions.  However, something which increasingly perplexes me on a personal and professional level are those “barriers” which seem somewhat intangible and lack a…

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Time to change our professions narrative – lets have a new story

One of my jobs as a coach is to help people spot their long standing, personal narratives and work to change the often unhelpful stories we tell about ourselves and hopefully create new ones. However, on this occasion,  I am talking about the narrative our beloved profession of occupational therapy. From the first day I stepped into OT colleges in the mid 1990’s, I heard it.  I’ve heard it for the last 25 years and I heard it when working…

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