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Ageeth Hup

What were the times that you felt most happy? What were you doing? What prospect makes you get out of bed with energy and zest? What activities give you a feeling of purpose, connectedness or joy? What was your initial attraction to OT? We as OTs seem to be driven by a natural desire to help others, to maximise their participation, connectedness & purpose in life. We help people to recover, discover, develop and thrive. But what about ourselves…? Somehow,…

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Helen Barnes

Helen Barnes – Coach and Occupational Therapist

Helen is a skilled and compassionate coach, coach supervisor and occupational therapist. Her experience has been rich and varied, working with a diverse range of clients in the NHS, public, voluntary and corporate sectors.  She has a deep curiosity and intuition about people and believes that a client’s narrative is the best way of getting to know them; where they are in the context of their lives and where they might be thinking about going. For many years Helen’s professional…

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