Taking action, making plans

Top Entrepreneurship Tips for OT’s

To be read before, during, probably after, and at other times during the entrepreneurial journey! FOCUS When I say focus, be honest with yourself about how many projects/things you have going on right now. Without some sort of focus, ideally, a soft but boundaried focus that allows for changes and creativity, you won’t move forward.  Be honest with how much time you are spending on marketing/banding versus actually doing “the work”. SEED Do you want to grow something from seed,…

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Doing Work That Matters; A Discussion between Rhiannon Crispe and Jen Gash

If you haven’t “met” Rhiannon Crispe and her fabulous work creating and running The OT Lifestyle Movement, you really are missing out. With a fabulous podcast (more about that in a mo) a growing and active Facebook community, Rhiannon has created something very special. Here is the truly inspiring and juicy introduction on the website: “We believe in a holistic approach to healthcare and creating sustainable behaviour change through lifestyle optimisation. We believe in a back-to-basics approach to living well; real food,…

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How to start a New Year

For many years I have held a reasonable level of disdain for new years resolutions and the setting of often untenable goals which involve Lycra. I prefer setting “goals” in September as this is the time of year when the family year starts, in line with the school year. However, I do see this time of year as special and worthy of reflection, celebration, and intention setting. So, give yourself the gift of a quite hour or so this January…

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“Mummy please can we go for a drive?”

“Mummy please can we go for a drive?”

  I have long been interested in how moving our bodies physically and a change in physical environment, can really create a much needed shift and evoke different insights during coaching.  (There are examples of this in my Coaching Creativity book and elsewhere).   Whilst coaching professes to shift outside of the medicalisation of other “helping” therapies, its practice often mirrors the medical model:  Pre-planned 1 hour sit down sessions, “see” your coach, leave, come back at regular intervals.  Nothing wrong with that, but coaching occurs in between sessions…

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The Art of Taking Action

  I treated myself to a new book before Christmas, which will come as no surprise to most of you. Unusually for me, as I prefer paper pages, it is an ebook called “The Art of Taking Action: Lessons from Japanese Psychology” by Gregg Krech. I am very interested in Japanese psychology and philosophy be it our own “Kawa Model” through to “Kaizen” as embraced in my creativity coaching. As Occupational Therapists we are pretty good at identifying actions with…

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No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness…

As I sat at an OT networking day recently and several (that’s an understatement) things hit me… The willingness, courage and confidence it takes to reinstate occupation at the heart of our practice, when perhaps it has been missing for sometime How we need to say “no” to other things to do this Why this interests me as a coach… Change is natural, normal and continuous and as my working life has progressed, I can see now that very little…

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Energy for movement…but perhaps not in the usual way

Energy for movement…but perhaps not in the usual way?

I don’t mind admitting that the end of 2014 left me bereft of energy. What will a health challenge, the loss of Treacle (the best cat you will ever hope to know – she was only 2) and months of isolation whilst I tried to finish off my second book. I piled into January feeling rubbish. Usually I draw upon the things I love such as painting and seeing friends to give me a boost, but the effects were fleeting.…

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Making Plans that Work

Making Plans that Work

  Making it happen “With grace, willingness and ease, dance with your intentions, watching them emerge. Looking back you will see how the dots joined themselves up beautifully, with little help” LM$ M$e Careful sharing I over share, I always have. I start telling people about my wildly enthusiastic plans, truly believing this would help me to make them happen and stick to them. I do believe in accountability which is why working with a coach helps, but you have…

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