Noticing your own process as a coach (and an OT)

Noticing your own process as a coach (and an OT)

  I have had a growing awareness lately of the differences between my health mentor and my long standing coach. I sought a “new” approach regarding my health and well-being, not because my existing coach wasn’t sufficiently skilled to tackle this, but because I have long respected the position and stance of this particular health mentor and, as with most of my decisions, it just felt the right thing to do! What I have started to appreciate is the very…

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Positive Psychology and OT

Positive Psychology and OT

  Shifting away from a “deficit- conflict” approach can be hard for traditional therapists. Not only are we battling with our training which has often asked us to identify problems and place them at the cornerstone of our assessment, culturally our clients are all too well trained to identify what’s “wrong” them – we all are. As OT’s we are no exception, having a goodly dollop of medical model still flavouring our practice at times. Positive psychology has at its…

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“Coaching? Don’t we do that anyway?”

“Coaching? Don’t we do that anyway?”

  I uttered those words when I attended my first coach training weekend back in 2005.  I remember sitting there feeling quite “put out” as topics such as communication, listening, motivation, life skills etc. reared their head. I was seething. “we do this anyway! We’ve been doing this in OT for years! Grrr” these “coaches” need to learn a from our profession, not the other way round…what am I doing here?!”   For once I glued my mouth shut and waited.…

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Elicit-Provide-Elicit – thoughts on integrating coaching with our practice

Elicit-Provide-Elicit – thoughts on integrating coaching with our practice

  In preparing to speak to several physical therapists last month, I found a brilliant article in the Osteopathy literature, which I felt held lots of interest for those wanting to integrate a coach approach with OT or use some coaching skills alongside their existing OT practise. The full title is “Health-coaching strategies to improve patient centred outcomes” by Susan Butterworth, who takes a Motivational Interviewing approach to coaching (Although strictly speaking MI is not coaching, much of MI is…

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Nature fills a void: recognizing our habits

Nature fills a void: recognizing our habits

People often come to coaching saying “I am really stressed, completed overloaded and I want to make time for myself/get some stuff out of my hair – then I will feel better”. In OT we also recognize this, be it the cry you hear yourself making, or your clients/service users who are looking for healthier occupational balance. As a coach and having been a human being for quite a while now, I have noticed the glorious way, that nature deftly…

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OT’s Doing it Differently: Kate Sheehan

Work, life balance is always hard to achieve but sometimes you have to manage your life in a different way to achieve that essential balance between your professional and personal goals. I was motivated to re-evaluate my life, after working in statutory services for a number of years and realising that I was missing my young’s son nativity because in the words of my manager ‘it was not in the strategic interests of the organisation to allow me time off…

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OTs Doing it Differently: Jill Maglio

Jill Maglio founded CircusAid in 2016. Jill is a certified occupational therapist and the director of Holistic Circus Therapy (HCT), a registered and accredited private practice that combines occupational therapy with circus arts to address the unique health and well-being needs of individuals and communities. Jill has been researching circus and occupational therapy for over 12 years in Australia, Europe, South East Asia and the United States. Upon the completion of a Master of Occupational Therapy Practice degree from La…

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OTs doing it differently: Catherine Beynon-Pindar

I met Jen in 2005 at the College of Occupational Therapists (COT) conference in Brighton. I had just finished my degree in occupational therapy and was excited by the future, passionate about occupational therapy and felt that the world was my oyster! I felt confident that I had made the right choice in my first job and indeed there were many advantages and opportunities within a private medium secure hospital but I felt stifled by 9-5 working that challenged the…

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Kawa Coaching

Kawa Coaching?

  KAWA coaching  The integration of coaching within OT practice is often a key question asked by OTs when they start learning coaching skills.  There are numerous answers, ranging from taking a coach approach to your whole practice, using coaching tools on certain occasions, “coaching” someone for a specific part of their OT intervention, running groups based on a coaching approach or using coaching as part of OT supervision and I am sure there are many moreJ I became acquainted…

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ask yourself at least 6 times

Ask yourself at least 6 times…

  Emergent Coaching and a powerful online resource I am struggling with my painting – again! Whilst my “business” is firing on all cylinders, I have neglected my creative work, something which I seem to do rather too easily. I needed some help, and decided to revisit an online process I used several years ago. It comes from the Emergent Knowledge field which embraces an iterative process – one where you ask the same question several times over.  The website is called and…

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