Reframing: the key to resilience, acceptance and gratitude?

Reframing: the key to resilience, acceptance and gratitude?

  Re-framing: building resilience,  acceptance and gratitude? I have been quite tested lately. Losing use, albeit temporarily, of my dominant hand, resulted in me being unable to drive, write or type for 5 weeks.  It was as my lovely friend eloquently described it, “Another Growth Opportunity” or AFGO. But as I started to accept what had happened, I shifted from complete upset to a much better place, by using a very simple reframing tool, courtesy of Jill Badonsky of KMCC.  Re-framing is…

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Professionalism and Fear: feeling like an OT more than ever

Professionalism and Fear: feeling like an OT more than ever I was inspired to write this posting after I coached an OT this morning, who I have been working with since January this year. She is a fabulous OT who I thoroughly enjoy working with, and we had more of a mentoring session today, rather than a coaching session.  As ever, I always learn about myself and my process when I work with others – that’s one reason why coaching…

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Making Plans that Work

Making Plans that Work

  Making it happen “With grace, willingness and ease, dance with your intentions, watching them emerge. Looking back you will see how the dots joined themselves up beautifully, with little help” LM$ M$e Careful sharing I over share, I always have. I start telling people about my wildly enthusiastic plans, truly believing this would help me to make them happen and stick to them. I do believe in accountability which is why working with a coach helps, but you have…

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ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in OT

ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in OT

  Reflections on ACT as a tool for OTs My first real encounter with ACT, was on a 6 week ‘Positive Acceptance’ Course 3 years ago, when I was myself, going through a very challenging chapter in my life. ACT stands for Acceptance Commitment Therapy. Classed as Third wave Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, it differs by incorporating mindfulness and ‘self compassion’.  The most important lesson for me, was to make space for what I was feeling, rather than fight it. Fighting activates the…

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