My name is Awele Odeh and I’m based in East London/ Essex border. I’ve worked as an OT for 11 yrs. In 2007 I decided that I needed to rejeuvenate my passion for OT (we’ve all felt this way, I know), so I invested in a new set of skills and I studied to become an NLP Master Practitioner.
This then developed into further study and I completed my diploma in Psychotherapy in April 2010.(I really enjoyed learning- and learning so much about myself too)

These skills blend in and contribute so much to my role as an OT in mental health!
(I feel so far removed from the OT I was before when I was losing morale and felt depleted.) I certainly feel rejeuvenated in my work and personal life now; because I move in different circles and have completely broadened my horizons.

Currently I am workling part-time in private practice as a Psychotherapist and a Coach (these roles share many similarities but can also be very different). I am also developing my skills as a trainer and doing team development sessions.

If you’d like a chat or to know more about the above or what I can offer you or your team please get in touch:
Mob: 07985 440014 Tel: 020 85920703