occupational therapist

Sid Hamid

Change in our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world has never been so intense and real until now, bringing it with disruption to every single norm in our lives. Rather than being unconsciously carried down the meandering river of this change, I am learning to accompany these natural movements and participate in them more consciously by continually answering these two  fundamental questions: “Who am I truly?” “What do I really want?” Using Professor Dr Franz Ruppert’s Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Theory and…

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Stay in, save lives, save the NHS: the impact on occupational lives

Important words with many facets to them. Many of you are essential workers still working with clients/patients or managing services, but others will be in isolation, as are millions of others over the UK and further afield. Virtually all aspects of our occupational lives are affected by having to isolate, stay at home, practice social distancing, work from home or indeed the loss of jobs. Building self-awareness about our social and occupational needs right now is crucial – we all…

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What is it about goals…..?

As a fairly driven person and having been trained to always look at SMART goals as an OT and later learning of the centrality of goals to coaching, I’ve now come to later life with an increasing realisation that this is only half of the story. This realisation has been more like a creeping awareness that however much I set myself goals and make plans, I seem to rarely achieve them, instead succeeding in other unintentional ways. (I do appreciate…

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There’s more to coaching than solving, sorting and making plans

I know that many of you, if not most of you, are working as OTs in fairly understandable ways and the “barriers” to occupation you deal with maybe  1) physical or environmental, solved or improved with equipment, physical rehabilitation or care support 2) psychological/ cognitive/ sensory, which can be improved with a range of brilliant occupation focused interventions.  However, something which increasingly perplexes me on a personal and professional level are those “barriers” which seem somewhat intangible and lack a…

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Helen Barnes

Helen Barnes – Coach and Occupational Therapist

Helen is a skilled and compassionate coach, coach supervisor and occupational therapist. Her experience has been rich and varied, working with a diverse range of clients in the NHS, public, voluntary and corporate sectors.  She has a deep curiosity and intuition about people and believes that a client’s narrative is the best way of getting to know them; where they are in the context of their lives and where they might be thinking about going. For many years Helen’s professional…

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Polly Brennan - Occupational Therapist and Coach

Polly Brennan – Occupational Therapist and Coach

My name is Polly Brennan from Adventurous Coaching. I believe that life is just too short to put off experiencing health, happiness and fulfilment in the workplace. To what extent are you achieving this at the moment? 23 years of experience as an occupational therapist in mental health services has prepared me well for mental health and wellbeing coaching. With a niche in vocational recovery, I have always had a passion for enabling people to build their resilience in order…

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Why do we sabotage our plans…? There are not many things at which I readily admit excelling at, but self sabotage is definitely one of them.  According to Psychology Today, behavior is said to be self-sabotaging, “when it creates problems and interferes with long-standing goals. The most common self-sabotaging behaviors are procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, comfort eating, and forms of self-injury such as cutting”  I think the last one is rather contentious as other factors are often at play, but that’s the…

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Understanding our occupational selves: coaching and OT

Understanding our occupational selves: coaching and OT

I often write about how coaching helps us tackle barriers to occupation, be they lack of confidence or self-belief, the lack of a congruent, desirable action plan or the need to un-earth perhaps unconscious drives/desires which scupper our well-intentioned plans. However, I am often still asked “is this occupational therapy?” or “am I being an OT if I coach?” or “if a client figures it all out through coaching, why do they need me?” Of course, these are all complex…

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Time to change our professions narrative – lets have a new story

One of my jobs as a coach is to help people spot their long standing, personal narratives and work to change the often unhelpful stories we tell about ourselves and hopefully create new ones. However, on this occasion,  I am talking about the narrative our beloved profession of occupational therapy. From the first day I stepped into OT colleges in the mid 1990’s, I heard it.  I’ve heard it for the last 25 years and I heard it when working…

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SFC - Lyndsey Barrett

OTs DOING IT DIFFERENTLY: Lyndsey Barrett, Sport For Confidence

Senior Occupational Therapist, Lyndsey Barrett worked in the NHS for 19 years. Towards the end of this period she began to question whether the traditional delivery methods employed by the NHS are always the most effective means of achieving positive client outcomes on a large scale. As a keen netball player, Lyndsey was very aware that regular physical activity, delivered in a controlled, safe, mainstream, environment could provide the perfect setting to achieve positive occupational outcomes. So, in 2015, Lyndsey joined…

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