
Coaching Health Literacy- Coaching Occupational Literacy

This week I finally took a look at the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring. I try not to look too often as I get rather excited and distracted! I’m always interested in what makes coaching “work” and what hinders it, but also how occupational therapists can use coaching to strengthen their practice and ensure relevance. It’s with that lens that I read papers such as this: “Exploring Health Literacy and its Relationship to Health and Wellness Coaching”…

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Stay in, save lives, save the NHS: the impact on occupational lives

Important words with many facets to them. Many of you are essential workers still working with clients/patients or managing services, but others will be in isolation, as are millions of others over the UK and further afield. Virtually all aspects of our occupational lives are affected by having to isolate, stay at home, practice social distancing, work from home or indeed the loss of jobs. Building self-awareness about our social and occupational needs right now is crucial – we all…

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What is it about goals…..?

As a fairly driven person and having been trained to always look at SMART goals as an OT and later learning of the centrality of goals to coaching, I’ve now come to later life with an increasing realisation that this is only half of the story. This realisation has been more like a creeping awareness that however much I set myself goals and make plans, I seem to rarely achieve them, instead succeeding in other unintentional ways. (I do appreciate…

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Understanding our occupational selves: coaching and OT

Understanding our occupational selves: coaching and OT

I often write about how coaching helps us tackle barriers to occupation, be they lack of confidence or self-belief, the lack of a congruent, desirable action plan or the need to un-earth perhaps unconscious drives/desires which scupper our well-intentioned plans. However, I am often still asked “is this occupational therapy?” or “am I being an OT if I coach?” or “if a client figures it all out through coaching, why do they need me?” Of course, these are all complex…

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Occupational Performance Coaching OPC

Occupational Performance Coaching OPC

  I don’t remember the last time I ripped open my BJOT with gusto, but last month, I really did! “Mothers experiences of engaging in Occupational Performance Coaching ” Fi Graham, Silvia Rodger and Jenny Zivani, gives a clear voice to what those of us OTs who coach, have known for sometime – coaching has a clear and effective role to play in OT practice. It can be at the heart of our intervention, not just an add on. Without…

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