health coaching

Coaching Health Literacy- Coaching Occupational Literacy

This week I finally took a look at the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring. I try not to look too often as I get rather excited and distracted! I’m always interested in what makes coaching “work” and what hinders it, but also how occupational therapists can use coaching to strengthen their practice and ensure relevance. It’s with that lens that I read papers such as this: “Exploring Health Literacy and its Relationship to Health and Wellness Coaching”…

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What is it about goals…..?

As a fairly driven person and having been trained to always look at SMART goals as an OT and later learning of the centrality of goals to coaching, I’ve now come to later life with an increasing realisation that this is only half of the story. This realisation has been more like a creeping awareness that however much I set myself goals and make plans, I seem to rarely achieve them, instead succeeding in other unintentional ways. (I do appreciate…

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There’s more to coaching than solving, sorting and making plans

I know that many of you, if not most of you, are working as OTs in fairly understandable ways and the “barriers” to occupation you deal with maybe  1) physical or environmental, solved or improved with equipment, physical rehabilitation or care support 2) psychological/ cognitive/ sensory, which can be improved with a range of brilliant occupation focused interventions.  However, something which increasingly perplexes me on a personal and professional level are those “barriers” which seem somewhat intangible and lack a…

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Polly Brennan - Occupational Therapist and Coach

Polly Brennan – Occupational Therapist and Coach

My name is Polly Brennan from Adventurous Coaching. I believe that life is just too short to put off experiencing health, happiness and fulfilment in the workplace. To what extent are you achieving this at the moment? 23 years of experience as an occupational therapist in mental health services has prepared me well for mental health and wellbeing coaching. With a niche in vocational recovery, I have always had a passion for enabling people to build their resilience in order…

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and a little self care

Using Questions to Unblock and… a little self care

  Using questions to unblock In the course of writing the ecourse, Coaching Skills for OTs,  I revisited a document I produced a few years ago.  It came from asking OTs what the commonly heard reasons patients give for not moving forward or not putting plans in place: namely what they struggled with. Commonly given answers included: “I don’t have the energy” “There are too many risks” “Its too painful” and many more I often take statements that I hear, be it…

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