
Doing Work That Matters; A Discussion between Rhiannon Crispe and Jen Gash

If you haven’t “met” Rhiannon Crispe and her fabulous work creating and running The OT Lifestyle Movement, you really are missing out. With a fabulous podcast (more about that in a mo) a growing and active Facebook community, Rhiannon has created something very special. Here is the truly inspiring and juicy introduction on the website: “We believe in a holistic approach to healthcare and creating sustainable behaviour change through lifestyle optimisation. We believe in a back-to-basics approach to living well; real food,…

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To change or not to change – that is the question

More often than not, the answer is not a simple one. Whether it’s ourselves or our clients, changing jobs, habits, behaviours or beliefs which we have had for a lifetime, is one thing, but just making the decision to change can be torture. As a coach I became fascinated in the concept of decisional balance, as a simple(ish) way of seeing whether change was likely or not. I use it in my own reflections when I realise that I am…

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The Importance Of Embracing Uncertainty

We are living in uncertain times right now, but right now I am pondering a different type of uncertainty we grapple with, as OTs who coach. I started to read the Occupational Performance Coaching (OPC) book (mentioned above) and the following phrase jumped out at me: “Getting comfortable with (this) uncertainty has been a key part of the journey to becoming skilful at OPC” The uncertainty that Fiona Graham talks about is to do with an internal shift we need…

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Positive Psychology and OT

Positive Psychology and OT

  Shifting away from a “deficit- conflict” approach can be hard for traditional therapists. Not only are we battling with our training which has often asked us to identify problems and place them at the cornerstone of our assessment, culturally our clients are all too well trained to identify what’s “wrong” them – we all are. As OT’s we are no exception, having a goodly dollop of medical model still flavouring our practice at times. Positive psychology has at its…

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