

Coaching Occupational Choices: from “I” to “We”

I made this video yesterday and immediately doubted whether I should post it or not, but these are issues I feel very strongly about. Whilst we are a profession with our roots in healthcare and the medical model and a profession which values independence and personal choice, we and our clients operate in a much wider world. This world is interconnected, global, interdependent and our occupational choices impact way beyond our immediate world. Enjoy and if you hate it, feel…

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Elicit-Provide-Elicit – thoughts on integrating coaching with our practice

Elicit-Provide-Elicit – thoughts on integrating coaching with our practice

  In preparing to speak to several physical therapists last month, I found a brilliant article in the Osteopathy literature, which I felt held lots of interest for those wanting to integrate a coach approach with OT or use some coaching skills alongside their existing OT practise. The full title is “Health-coaching strategies to improve patient centred outcomes” by Susan Butterworth, who takes a Motivational Interviewing approach to coaching (Although strictly speaking MI is not coaching, much of MI is…

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